We've changed our name from Fourth Wall Tickets to CrowdWork! Read more here.
Some of the most recent updates and features that have been added to CrowdWork.
March 4th, 2025
We've released our 3.0 version of the POS app! This new app has a ton of performance improvements, along with the ability to scan in tickets on iOS devices (Android scanning is coming soon)! Download the latest version on the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
February 17th, 2025
Tiers can now be set to automatically close at a specific time! Find it when editing your event cost tiers, and learn more on our documentation here.
January 14th, 2025
Patrons will now automatically receive a reminder email for their upcoming shows and classes, reminding them of all the necessary information they might need to attend.
December 16th, 2024
We've updated our email deliverability system! Now emails should be landing in inboxes even faster.
December 9th, 2024
We've made some meaningful updates to Discounts to help with management. We now support duplicating discounts, setting a minimum purchase quantity, and some visual polish!
November 11th, 2024
We now support Payment Plans! We're very excited about this feature as it will help lower the barrier of entry to classes, workshops, and even shows for those who prefer paying over time. Read more about the details and how to get started on our Documentation page.
September 16th, 2024
Now easily add specific instructions, details, or other information for individual events to be included in the confirmation email. This feature is ideal for including unique content specific to a particular show or class. Find it on the show or class editing page.
August 13th, 2024
You can now be part of multiple theatres at once under one login! Super helpful if you have a theatre you help at the box office, and a troupe you want to sell tickets with. Now you can easily use CrowdWork all with one login.
August 13th, 2024
Now individuals can create accounts on CrowdWork. A completely optional step for patrons, but it makes it even easier for them to find, view, and manage their purchases. This also sets the stage for some really exciting features coming later this year.
August 13th, 2024
You can now resend confirmation emails to patrons and students! Simply navigate to the specific order on the Orders page and click the button in the upper-right.
June 3rd, 2024
We've rolled out support for Google Events! Now your shows and classes will automatically appear as rich search results in Google. We are also actively working with Google to ensure everything is up to date. For more info, here are the details from Google!
May 14th, 2024
You can now setup email notifications for when shows or classes have been purchased or sold out! Now it's even easier to keep track of your sales. Setup in the Notifications section!
April 17th, 2024
We've been hard at work polishing, improving, and optimizing the platform! As always, any bugs you find feel free to let us know and we'll jump on it. We've also improved the load times of heavier pages.
March 20th, 2024
You can now specify if you want event dates to be purchasable individually or as a packaged group! Ideal for classes, camps, or any other serial events. Look for the checkbox in the "Schedule" section when editing a show or class.
March 18th, 2024
This is a big one! Now you can have multiple schedules per event. Great if your event runs multiple days of the week, or you want to add a specific one-off date in an existing schedule.
March 6th, 2024
You can now protect payment tiers behind a password! Great for limiting who has access to a specific tier during checkout.
February 5th, 2024
We're excited to announce we've released a large update to Checkout Fields! Now you can easily add fields to individual shows, classes, or tags (or any combination)! We've also improved the export options to include field submissions on Ticket/Registration exports and added a new Dropdown field. Learn more on our Documentation.
January 26th, 2024
We've upgraded Discounts! Now you can easily add multiple shows or classes to a single discount, or assign it to a specific tag!
January 26th, 2024
We've been working to create some helpful Documentation for the platform! There's a lot to cover, so we'll be adding to it more and more over time.
January 26th, 2024
We've revamped Categories into Tags! You'll now be able to better manage shows and classes with both internal and public tags. Learn more about them on our brand new Documentation pages!
January 15th, 2024
In addition to issuing full refunds, you can now issue partial refunds for both credit card and gift card purchases!
December 7th, 2023
With great excitement, Gift Cards are now live! You can now create, manage, and sell gift cards natively through CrowdWork. The team has been hard at work on this, and we're very excited to launch for the holiday season.
December 4th, 2023
We now have a dedicated Orders page! This is a big step towards unifying the user interface, simplifying purchase management, and sets the stage for some exciting new features coming very soon.
November 29th, 2023
We've now added a Global Quantity cap to Shows and Classes! This lets you set a specific cap to your events regardless of which individual tiers are purchased.
November 29th, 2023
Have a team using your space that wants to use their own ticket platform? Well now you can easily link to outside websites while still listing the show on CrowdWork! Find it at the bottom of the Show or Class editing form.
October 23rd, 2023
We now support embedding YouTube videos directly into your show or class descriptions! Simply link to the YouTube page of your liking and we'll automatically ask if you'd like to embed it.
October 23rd, 2023
We've made a number of small but helpful updates around searching for specific IDs, easier pause/activate options from the "three dot" dropdown, and more!
October 9th, 2023
We've added the ability to include custom tracking pixels from Google, Facebook, and more on your public pages! Add your own in the Theatre Details page.
October 9th, 2023
We've added a small toggle on tables that typically require a lot of scrolling. You can now easily resize to your current window view. A great quality of life improvement to make it easier to scroll left and right!
September 18th, 2023
You can now mark Shows and Classes as Unlisted (available, but not listed anywhere) or behind a password!
September 4th, 2023
We've refreshed our Public Pages! We've added a new calendar view, polished things for folks on mobile, and improved load times and design consistency for improved checkouts!
August 15th, 2023
A hugely requested feature has now launched: Custom Checkout Fields! You can now collect any information you may want from your students and customers during checkout!
August 15th, 2023
We've refreshed our Admin tools to better accommodate some big upcoming features. The sidebar now scrolls at smaller sizes, and you may notice some improved visual polish around the platform!
August 11th, 2023
We've updated our Embeds widgets to be able to support multiple embeds on a single page! Now you can have shows and classes all in one spot on your website!
We've just rolled out the ability to collect phone numbers during checkout! Enable it on the Theatre Details page.
Embeds have been updated to be able to embed specific show or class categories. Great for festival season! Check it out on the Embeds page.
A number of improvements to refunds have been made, including the ability to issue for cash and POS.
We've added an update to display a notice to patrons when there are only a few spots left for a show or class!
Classes has now been updated to support repeating dates!
We've rolled out a couple of new updates for Discounts! Now you can limit the number of times a code is used, and set date ranges for when a code is able to be used.
Now you can edit your public show and class URLs. Check it out next time you edit a show or class.
A big update for our point-of-sale app is now live, bringing the ability to view ticket sales and check folks in!
You can now have multiple prices per class. Check it out on the Class page.
Our point-of-sale system is now live for everyone! Built for both phones and tablets, you can now easily collect and track your sales from anywhere. Plus it's free to download and use. Learn more on the Point-of-Sale page on the Dashboard.
We've just rolled out the ability to check-in individual folks at a time if they purchased multiple tickets at once. Great for large groups that arrive at different times. Check it out on the Tickets page.
A number of updates and improvements have been made to the calendar website widgets. We now support calendar views for classes and card views for shows! Check it out on the new Embeds pages.
You can now easily export ticket and registration purchases with in-depth detail, including revenue breakdowns, discounts, customer information, and more. View it on the Tickets and Registrations pages.
We just pushed out a ton of improvements to the Dashboard for those on mobile or smaller screen sizes. It's now even easier to manage your theatre no matter what device you're on.
The ability to edit customer and student information has just been rolled out! In addition, you can also edit, add, and remove folks from shows and classes. Check it out under the Customers and Students pages.
Just click on the three little dots next to a show or class and choose the option to duplicate. Makes creating new shows or classes much easier.
Now you can easily set when you want ticket sales to end before (or after) shows start. Edit on the Theatre page.
Now you can add a custom dollar or percentage surcharge on each transaction. Edit on the Theatre page.
Refunds can now be issued within CrowdWork! Simply click the three little dots next to a ticket or registration to issue a refund (only available to Admins).
You can now easily categorize shows and classes! Easily group them together by custom categories, and link directly to a category to display only those within it. Try adding a few categories to a Show or Class and see how the Public page updates!
We've expanded the charts on our Analytics page to show even more, and made it easier to see your show and class trends.
The option to set Discounts for all shows or all classes has just been added! A great addition to the existing ability to set discounts per show, class, or globally.
With Global Descriptions, you can now easily add additional text that will appear on every show or class page. Ideal for including terms, refund information, parking, or whatever else you may want. These descriptions will also be included in their respective emails to customers.
Easily setup shows to have as many prices as you want, including free or pay-what-you-want. And of course, the single priced shows will function exactly the same as they always have. This was a large, but important, under-the-hood update to open up a wealth of exciting new features in the weeks and months to come.